IUP Rugby Recruit/ Scholarship Form

Currently Ranked #1 in 15s Rugby, and #3 in 7s Rugby! 
Recent Results
Fall 2021 - 15s Rugby - 11-2 - National Sweet 16
Spring 2022 - 7s Rugby - 36-6 - D2 National Champions
Fall 2022 - 15s Rugby - 13-1 - National Runner Up
Spring 2023 - 7s Rugby - 28-6 - D2 National Champions
Fall 2023 -15s Rugby-  12-1 - D2 15s National Champions
Spring 2024 7s Rugby - 29-5 - D2 3rd Place Finish

Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) rugby was founded in 1974. For years we have had a long tradition of excellence. Currently under the leadership of Dr. Bouma and form IUP graduate Seth Erwin, the team competes in the NCR – Allegheny Rugby Union Open Division.  

Being the first club sport at IUP to offer scholarships, we have named our scholarship after long time coach Dr. Larry Bouma.

Head Coach Seth Erwin -  Coach Erwin is a 2007 grad from IUP.  He played under Dr Bouma during the D1 era of IUP rugby. Playing 2nd Row and 8man .  Upon graduation, Coach Erwin started coaching at the High School level, helping Burrell Highschool win 1 state championship and appear in 3 more.  in 2012, he created his own high school program and lead that program to 2 Varsity Boys State Titles, assisted with 1 Girls Varsity, and appeared in various other championship's

Coach Erwin's coaching philosophy is to bring players into an environment that encourages student athletes to learn and develop themselves on and off the field. Teaching players values of teamwork, hard work, preparation, and instilling self-esteem that they can do things they though were impossible. As a coach, I try to build relationships with each player. Not only will that help me guide practices/ motivate players to play, but that will help me with the "non-rugby" related issues they may have and prove to them, they can also win in life. Learning from great coaches such as Larry Bouma (IUP) and Gregg Jones (Kutztown University).  I see all the great things each of these coaches possess.

Dr. Lawrence Bouma is a 1967 graduate of Trafford high school. In the fall of 1967 Dr. Bouma started attending Palmer College of chiropractic.... That fall he was introduced to the game of rugby. Dr. Bouma started on Palmer colleges B-side as a loose forward. He continued to play that position in the spring and part of the fall in 1968, Eventually moving to the wing three quarters position on Palmer College's A side.  Dr. Bouma in the spring of 1969 was offered a full scholarship playing wing three-quarter for Palmer Colleges Rugby team. he continued to excel at that position, (filling in at times at fullback and inside center).  He played on Palmer's first national championship team. Dr. Bouma graduated from Palmer College of chiropractic in the fall of 1971.
In 1988, Dr. Bouma started coaching IUP rugby for the next 17 years taking a so-called rugby team to national prominence from 1988 to 2004. In 2000 IUP Rugby finished #4 in the nation.

Questions please reach out to Coach Seth Erwin – serwin@iup.edu or 724-422-0814

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Fall 2025 - Will you be a: *
Incoming Semester *
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Most Recent HS/ College *
SAT/ ACT Score *
Community Service:
Rugby Years of Experience *
Last/Current Rugby Team *
Primary Position
Secondary Position
Rugby Awards/ Achievements *
How did you become interested in IUP rugby *
How have you help towards the on field success of the team *
What does Rugby mean to you? *
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