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Experience Conference Ministry Team ApplicationĀ
Thank you for expressing an interest in being a member of our Ministry Team! As a member of this team, you would be expected to:
Attend the conference and the annual Ministry Team meeting (out of state) to rally around initiatives for the coming year and brainstorm personal involvement
Assist during the Conference including set up and breakdown
Teach workshops at the Conference as needed
Maintain contact with the Experience Conference staff via phone, email, and social media
Promote the Conference through online and traditional networking avenues
Promote the conference within your team, registering them at a discounted rate
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to save your progress.
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Your answer
Church/Ministry Name
Your answer
Ministry Position
Your answer
Church Address
Your answer
Church City
Your answer
Church State
Your answer
Church Zip
Your answer
Phone Number
Your answer
Your answer
How long have you been at your church?
Your answer
How long in ministry?
Your answer
How many times have you attended Experience Conference?
Your answer
Pastor Name
Your answer
Pastor Phone Number
Your answer
Pastor Email
Your answer
Please provide us the name, phone number, and email address of at least two people who know you both personally and in the context of ministry that we may contact as a reference.
Reference 1: Name
Your answer
Reference 1: Years known?
Your answer
Reference 1: Phone Number
Your answer
Reference 1: Email
Your answer
Reference 2: Name
Your answer
Reference 2: Years known?
Your answer
Reference 2: Phone
Your answer
Reference 2: Email
Your answer
Other References (provide name, years known, phone, & email):
Your answer
What was one particular part of the conference that led you to apply for the Ministry Team?
Your answer
In a few sentences, please tell us why you feel led/called to apply to be on the Ministry Team
Your answer
In a few sentences, please tell us what do you believe you can/will add to the Ministry Team:
Your answer
How do you think God can best use you to serve Experience Conference on the Ministry Team?
Your answer
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