Maine Arts Commission Internship Listing
The Maine Arts Commission connects Maine's cultural organizations with interns who are seeking work experience.

The agency is asking those that are interested in having intern support to provide  information about the opportunity through this form. The information will be posted on the Maine Arts Commission website as a resource for students seeking internships. Interested students will contact the organizations directly and all agreements will be between the student and the mentoring entity. The posted information will be open to all Maine citizens; therefore, concerns relating to physical strength, transport, or any other important factor should be expressed in the 'Qualifications' section.

 If you have questions, please contact Kerstin Gilg at, 207/287-6719.
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Please provide the name and address of your organization. *
Provide a brief description of your organization. *
Please enter the website address of your organization. *
Please list the kind of benefit(s) available to interns. *
(Such as experience, school credit or stipend)
Please provide an internship title and describe some of the duties that an intern would perform at your organization. *
Please describe the qualifications or experience that you would expect from an applicant. *
Please provide details of how you would like an interested applicant to contact your organization *
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