Owned one or more non-HOA homes
Owned one or more homes, single family or multi-family, governed by an HOA
Been involved in a SIGNIFICANT dispute with an HOA (one that was difficult to resolve)
Been involved in a MINOR dispute with an HOA (one that was relatively easily resolved)
Had an UNRESOLVED dispute with an HOA
Had your home foreclosed by a bank
Had your home foreclosed by an HOA
Taken legal action against your HOA (you were the Plaintiff)
Had your HOA take legal action against you (you were the Defendant)
Been in Arbitration with your HOA
Sold or moved out of an HOA home to escape an unpleasant situation
Been a tenant in an HOA/Condo
Suffered illness or injury directly related to living conditions in your HOA
Filed a complaint against your HOA with a state agency
Filed a complaint against your HOA with a federal agency
Been forced out of your home by termination of the Association