Beaver County Art Month: Participating Businesses & Organizations

Celebrate Art Month this October! Businesses and organizations who support Art Month will be promoted through print, social, and electronic media throughout the event, as well as at our exhibit on November 3. This is a great way to get foot traffic into your store and wide publicity through media. 

The artist or a Genesis Collective representative will deliver art to you no later than October 1. Please get a picture with the artist, if present, and their art so that we can post it on social media.

And please, watch for information about our exhibit event on November 3 at Beaver Station. We would love to see you there!

Thank you for supporting the arts in Beaver County!

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Business or Organization Name *
Hours of Operation *
Location or Mailing Address *
Website *
Phone *
Email *
Social Media *
Contact Person and Title *
Sponsor an Artist in the Art Crawl *
Additional Opportunities to Participate *
A Genesis Collective representative will reach out to confirm details and arrange for payment, or you can pay through Square here:

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