Join the Wolves RC & MHA
Welcome to the club
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First & Last Name *
Date of Birth? *
Email? *
Tell us about yourself?

Family/work/interests/running goals?
What suburb are you based? *
Phone Number? *
Why join the Wolves? *
Our Sat Social runs are at Leighton at 6am. How often do you expect to be able to join? *
Estimated 5km time *
What events have you previously completed? *
What are you training for now? *
Participant Waiver & Release Form

1. Acknowledgement of Risks: I understand that participating in running and related activities with the Wolves RC involves risks. By participating, I accept and assume all risks, known and unknown.

2. Waiver of Liability: I agree that Wolves RC, including its organisers, volunteers, and other members, shall not be liable for any injury, loss, or damage I might suffer, regardless of the cause. This waiver applies to all activities associated with the club.

3. Health and Fitness Confirmation: I affirm that I am in good health and physically capable of engaging in club activities and have sought medical advice if I have any concerns about my health or fitness. 

4. Media Release: I grant Wolves RC permission to use photographs, film recordings, or any other media captured during club activities for promotional purposes.

By joining the Wolves RC, I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions above.

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