2024 Historian/Editor Appointment
Salve! Welcome to the appointed offices application form.

Please fill out this form if you are applying for the appointed offices of Editor or Historian by April 12th.  You can make edits any time before 11:59 that night.

Results of the Gubernators will be announced late on April 1st, and the results of the Editor and Historian will be announced soon after the April 20th Changeover Meeting.

Please email Parliamentarian Ella Chi with any questions: parliamentarian@ojcl.org.
Office Being Sought: *
Name: *
School: *
Address: *
Grade: *
Email: *
Sponsor's Name: *
Sponsor's Email: *
Parent Name: *
Parent Email: *
State Conventions Attended: *
National Conventions Attended: *
Do you plan on attending National Latin Convention in Knoxville, 
Club Officer Experience: *
Relevant experience or traits, general and with specifics for the office being sought: *
School/Non-school related activities; sports, hobbies, etc. *
Discuss your experience interacting with your peers and with adults: *
What have you done to understand the duties of the office you are seeking? *
Do you have any goals/ideas for the Executive Board/OJCL? Please be specific to the office you are seeking. *
Why would you like to become a member of the OJCL Executive Board? *
REQUIRED QUESTION FOR EDITOR CANDIDATES ONLY: What is your experience with publication software (e.g. Joomag, issuu, Adobe InDesign, etc.)? Please send an example page of an edited article page to parliamentarian@ojcl.org.
REQUIRED QUESTION FOR HISTORIAN CANDIDATES ONLY: What is your experience with shooting and editing photos of people? Please send a portfolio of at least 5 pictures (preferably pictures of humans) to parliamentarian@ojcl.org
Other Biographical Information/Comments:
Student electronic signature - by signing, you understand that you understand the duties of this office; that you will attend the required executive board Meetings/convention; and that you are responsible for your own expenses and transportation to meetings/other related events, unless otherwise determined by a state chair. *
Once you have finished filling out this application, you MUST print out this form and have your parent and sponsor sign. Take a picture and email it to me (parliamentarian@ojcl.org). Failure to complete this final step will result in your disqualification from running for office. You can also ask your parent or sponsor to email me their approval of your application for office, but I must receive either the picture of the signatures  or the two emails. So get it done! *
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