Order Form - Spain and Portugal, ideal for summer
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ご購入ご希望の銘柄にご希望本数をご記入ください。Please indicate the number of desired bottles in the space provided below.
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◆ Sparkling #1~2
1. Marcio Lopes Ancestral pet nat 2020  ¥2,800
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2. Real Companhia Velha Espumante Bruto 2013  ¥3,800 
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◆ White - Vinho Verde (Portugal) #3~6
3. Marcio Lopes Pequenos Rebentos Loureiro Escolha 2018  ¥2,200
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4. Marcio Lopes Pequenos Rebentos Alvarinho 2018  ¥2,400
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5. Marcio Lopes Pequenos Rebentos 'Moda Antiga' Superior 2018  ¥3,800 
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6. Marcio Lopes Pequenos Rebentos Vinhas Velhas Loureiro 2019  ¥4,800 
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◆ White - Douro #7~9
7. Quinta do Romeu Reserva White 2014   ¥2,800 
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8. Marcio Lopes Permitido DOC Douro Branco 2017  ¥3,400 
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9. Marcio Lopes Permitido Centenaria 2019  ¥5,600 
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◆ White - Galicia / Rias Baixas #10〜13
10. Bodegas Albamar / Albamar 2016  ¥3,400
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11. Bodegas Albamar / Finca O Pereiro 2016  ¥4,800
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12. Bodegas Albamar / Alma de Mar 2014  ¥4,800 
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13. Bodegas Albamar / Pepe Luis 2016  ¥5,600 
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◆ Rosé #14〜15
14. Rubiejo Rosado 2017   ¥2,400 
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15. Quinta do Romeu Rosé 2015  ¥2,200 
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◆ Lighter Red #16〜#18
16. Adega Sameiras / Sameiras Tinto 2014 ¥3,000
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17. Marcio Lopes Pequenos Rebentos Tinto Atlântico 2019 Edição Especial  ¥3,400 
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18. Bodegas Albamar / Fusco 2016  ¥3,400
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◆ Red - Douro (Portugal) #19〜20
19. Marcio Lopes ANEL Tinto Reserva 2019  ¥3,000 
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20. Marcio Lopes Proibido Tinto Grande Reserva 2019  ¥6,000 
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◆ Red - Douro (Portugal) #21〜23
21. Rubiejo Barrica 2015   ¥2,800
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22. Rubiejo Crianza 2011  ¥3,800 
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23. Rubiejo 'Evolucion' 2015  ¥7,800
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