Student Leadership Board Application 2024-2025 (Southwest WA)
Student Leadership Board details:
Note: This form is specifically for students in the Southwest WA area. If you are in Seattle or Spokane, please refer to the SLB applications linked below.

Seattle Application
Spokane Application

The deadline to submit, for both new and returning students, is Monday, September 2, 2024. Returning students in good standing will be prioritized and additional spots will be offered to new members. Spots are limited so please apply early, if possible. 

ALL SLB meetings will be held IN PERSON at Kalama High School. These meetings will be the first Saturday and third Wednesday of each month. By submitting this application, you are confirming that you will be able to attend these meetings on a regular basis. Failure to consistently attend will result in dismissal from SLB.
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Email *
Student's First Name: *
Student's Last Name: *
What are your pronouns? We ask so that we can address you as you would like to be addressed when we communicate. (Check all that apply.)
Are you a new or returning SLB member? *
Home Address (include city, state, zip):
Phone Number:
Is this your...
What age will you be in when you start school in Fall 2024?
What grade will you be in when you start school in Fall 2024?
School name: *
School Address (include city, state, zip):
Parent/Guardian Name(s):
Parent/Guardian Email:
Parent/Guardian Phone Number
How did you learn about the SLB? (Check all that apply.)
If you are a new student, why are you interested in being part of the Holocaust Center for Humanity’s Student Leadership Board? If you are a returning student, tell us about something you learned on the SLB last year, or tell us why being the on SLB is important to you.
What extracurricular activities are you involved in?
What skills, knowledge, perspective, or interests would you bring to the Student Leadership Board?
Reference: List the name of one person (not a family member) that can support your qualifications for the Student Leadership Board. Please list someone who is willing to be contacted by the Holocaust Center. (Optional for returning members, required for new members)
Reference: Email address of the person you listed above.
Reference: Phone number of the person you listed above.
As part of the SLB experience, we are planning a weekend kick off from September 13-15. All expenses for this retreat are covered (food, programming, lodging). This isn’t mandatory for SLB members, but it is strongly encouraged as it is an opportunity to meet members from the SLB groups in Spokane and Seattle as we establish our foundations and goals for the year.
Details about location and activities will follow upon acceptance into the SLB program!
If you answered yes or maybe to the last question, please let us know if you have a sleeping bag and pillow that you can bring, or if we need to order linens and a pillow for your bunk:
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Please let us know your dietary preferences and allergies: *
SLB meetings will be held twice a month on the first Saturday and third Wednesday of each month. Times will generally be 1:30-2:30 on weekends and 5:30-6:30 on weekdays. As of the 2024-2025 school year, all SLB meetings will be held in at Kalama High School. 

By checking "I understand", you are confirming that you will be able to make these meetings on a regular basis. Failure to consistently attend will result in dismissal from SLB.
Are you currently living with a disability (physical, intellectual, psychiatric, visual, hearing, neurological, or other medical condition)? We are asking in order to foster an inclusive community, hold ourselves accountable, and provide accommodations as needed. Your personal information will be kept confidential. 
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If you answered "Yes" to the question above and would like to add comments, or describe any accommodations that would enhance your experience on the SLB, please use the space below.
Anything else you would like us to know?
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