Iscte students, staff, researchers and professors: Petition for University Institute of Lisbon (Iscte - IUL) to speak and act against all war crimes committed by the State of Israel in Gaza.

(Versão em português aqui)

March 27, 2024

We, the students of the Psychology of Intercultural Relations Master’s program and student collective "Estudantes Pela Palestina Iscte" at the University Institute of Lisbon (Iscte-IUL) put forward this petition and ask the Iscte-IUL community to sign it, to amplify our deep concern regarding the humanitarian disaster in Gaza. We urge the university faculty, students, and staff to speak and act against what, according to Francesca Albanese (UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967), is reasonably believed to meet criteria of a genocide enacted by the State of Israel against the Palestinian people. 

See here for the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. 

Currently, as Israel's military operations in Gaza surpasses the 170-day mark, the need for our institution to call for a ceasefire and stop all university operations supporting genocide is more pressing than ever.

The intensity and destructiveness of Israel’s military action is disproportionate and unprecedented - even by the standards of previous conflicts with Hamas. Israel is showing no regard for civilian life in its brutal campaign of bombing and near-total siege. With only a tiny trickle of humanitarian relief allowed to pass into Gaza, mass starvation is imminent. Meanwhile, pro-peace and anti-occupation parties in Israel face mounting repression.

Over the last 170 days, and as of this writing, the Israeli military has killed over 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza, including over 13,000 children. No fewer than 17,000 children have become unaccompanied and separated from their parents. Oxfam reported in January 2024 that Israel was killing an average of 250 Palestinians per day. These figures continue to rise due to Israel’s continued siege on Gaza, which is now in violation of the International Court of Justice’s provisional measure that humanitarian aid be allowed into Gaza: 2.2 million people in Gaza are facing severe food shortages, with at least 52,500 infants at risk of starvation. Israel has decimated Gaza’s healthcare system – targeting hospitals, killing hundreds of healthcare workers, and blocking the entry of fuel and medical supplies. Public health experts and aid organizations predict that more Palestinians will die of disease than from bombing.

Actions matter. More importantly, the actions of essential institutions, such as universities, like this one, matter. Historically, widespread political action at the hands of universities has preceded change, and we as students at Iscte-IUL want change.

We acknowledge and deeply condemn all antisemitism, and we condemn the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7th 2023. However the actions by the State of Israel cannot and must not be the answer to the terrorist attacks committed by Hamas. 

Collective Punishment on the Palestinians is a war crime.

This petition seeks to persuade our institution, Iscte-IUL to become an active agent and participant, concerning the plight of the Palestinian people in Gaza, by releasing a public statement calling for an immediate ceasefire.

This action is necessary and a testament to our unwavering dedication to making a positive impact on the world. Let us be advocates of justice, compassion, and progress, ensuring that our university and our masters program’s legacy becomes synonymous with taking a principled stand against oppression and standing up for the well-being of all humanity.

We must echo the voices of justice, fairness, equality, and decolonization, thereby aligning the principles of our course of study with the urgent need for a halt in the suffering of civilians in Gaza. The time has come for us to demonstrate our commitment to ethical and humane values.

We urge the University to listen to its students, faculty, and staff.

You can read the open letter that was sent out to the rector, directors of research units, deans of schools, as well as researchers and university staff here (including a Portuguese version).

We sign this petition as a way to show solidarity, and to be a part of the effort to end all human rights violations against the Palestinian People.


1. Robert Jeancarlo Gomez Bravo - Postgraduate Student

2. Kyler Haskins - Postgraduate Student

3. Julia Heuser - Postgraduate Student

4. Tara Vaessen - Postgraduate Student

5. Elena Bauchiero - Postgraduate Student

6. Almina Bajic - Postgraduate Student

7. Camila Simone Pico Erazo - Postgraduate Student

8. Mayleen Schack - Postgraduate Student

9. Hilal HASIRCI - Postgraduate Student

10. Arianna Zini - Postgraduate Student

11. Lea Prange - Postgraduate Student

12. Carola Garelli - Postgraduate Student

13. Ellis Hociej - Erasmus Student

14. Ema Piskar - Postgraduate Student

15. Sophia Maria Kelsch - Doctoral Candidate & Researcher (CEI)

16. Catarina Sobral dos Santos - Undergraduate Student

17. Karina Strange - Postgraduate Student

18. Rebeca Alexandra Pires Mota de Paiva - Graduate Student

19. Rebeca Alexandra Pires Mota de Paiva - Graduate Student

20. Flora Dias Barbieri - Postgraduate Student

21. Mariana Isabel Pereira Carvalho Neves Oliveira - Postgraduate Student

22. Caroline Isaac - Postgraduate Student

23. Esther Anne Smeenk - Graduate Student

24. Marta Sofia Nunes Oliveira Silva - Undergraduate Student

25. Ana Margarida Madeira Ribeiro Sardoeira - Graduate Student

26. Cata dauzenroth - Doctoral Candidate

27. Ashley Ann Beatrice Dell’Orso - Doctoral Candidate

28. Zaid Muntasir Mahmoud Homsi - Graduate Student

29. Olga Stakhova - Graduate Student

30. Felix Meuer - Graduate Student

31. Chiara Denise Kaisig - Graduate Student

32. Kelsey Jean Skaife Ransick - Graduate Student

33. Mamadu Djuldé Djaló - Graduate Student

34. Marianna Dimitriou - Graduate Student

35. Riju Joshi - Graduate Student

36. Chiara Vitiello - Graduate Student

37. Inga Schmidt - Graduate Student

38. Maria Inês Santos Coelho Ascenso - Doctoral Candidate

39. Mauricio Carcovich - Graduate Student

40. Susana Batel - Researcher

41. Ross James Wallace - Doctoral Candidate

42. Zeno Mutton - Visiting PhD Student

43. Minh Thu Nguyen - Doctoral Candidate

44. Annelien Groten - Researcher

45. Carla Mouro - Researcher

46. Roosa Viitala - Graduate Student

47. Zelal Ag - Graduate Student

48. João Pedro Borralho - Doctoral Candidate and Researcher (CEI)

49. Lea Pacher - Graduate Student

50. Ana Flor Vieira Saraiva - Graduate Student

51. Matilde Caroça de São José - Graduate Student

52. Laila Letafat - Postgraduate Student

53. Raquel Antunes Serdoura - Graduate Student

54. Nicole Velloso de Oliveira - Graduate Student

55. Joana Maria Marcelino Costa - Graduate Student

56. Reem Rachel Ezzeddine - Graduate Student

57. Maria Luís Sacras - Graduate Student

58. Rui Manuel Diniz Estrela - Graduate Student

59. Liliya Tsap - Professor

60. A. Ismail - Doctoral Candidate

61. Inês de Araújo e Silva - Graduate Student

62. Daniela Filipa Pereira Martins - Graduate Student

63. Rita dos Santos Costa - Graduate Student

64. Diogo Alexandre Sousa Caldeira de Albuquerque Gonçalves - Undergraduate Student

65. João Manuel de Oliveira - Researcher

66. Adilson Santana - Undergraduate Student

67. Gillian Howard - Graduate Student

68. Maddalena Musso - Postgraduate Student

69. Mohammad Yousuf Qureshi - Undergraduate Student

70. Helena Silva-Nichols - Graduate Student

71. Sayuka Tsukahara - Graduate Student

72. Joana Sofia Rafael Pereira - Doctoral Candidate

73. Maria Antonia Pereira de Resende Pedroso de Lima - Professor

74. Joana Guilherme Trigo - Undergraduate Student

75. Laura Pedro de Sousa Custódio - Undergraduate Student

76. Carolina Alves Ferreira - Undergraduate Student

77. Carolina Vicente Rodrigues Guedes - Graduate Student

78. Muhammad Asim Sarwar - Doctoral Candidate

79. Soraya KORCHI - Graduate Student

80. Aniruddha Methi - Graduate Student

81. Beatriz Inácio Lopes das Neves Farias - Graduate Student

82. Miguel André Lains Reis - Graduate Student

83. Amjad Chatila - Doctoral Candidate

84. Priscila Lantyer Cordeiro - Graduate Student

85. Juline Bezier - Erasmus Student

86. Alessia Villa - Graduate Student

87. Laura Villalobos Sat - Graduate Student

88. Nolwenn Martins - Graduate Student

89. Marina Percerou - Undergraduate Student

90. Carolina Silva Milheiro - Undergraduate Student

91. Inês Otero de Morais Alves Rondão - Graduate Student

92. Érica Almeida Postiço - University Staff Member

93. Luís Fernando Rebolho Sousa - Graduate Student

94. Raquel dos Santos Gonçalves Lindner Costa - Graduate Student

95. Giulia Daniele - Professor

96. Ana Rita Henrique Peixoto - Graduate Student

97. Pedro Miguel Valente Filipe - Undergraduate Student

98. Francisco João Maçãs Biscainho - University Staff Member

99. Ana Raquel Matias - Researcher

100. Catarina Dias Sousa - Undergraduate Student

101. Mara Clemente - Researcher

102. Helena Bento- Graduate Student

103. Margarida Carapinha Custódio - Undergraduate Student

104. Vera Carriço Coimbra - Undergraduate Student

105. Beatriz Eusébio Da Silva - Undergraduate Student

104. Joana de Lima Caiadas Morais - Undergraduate Student

105. Inês Filipa Lopes Francisco - Undergraduate Student

106. Joana Maia e Silva Diegues - Undergraduate Student

107. Beatriz Isabel Sebastião Bartolomeu - Undergraduate Student

108. Patrícia Fragata - Undergraduate Student

109. Beatriz Maria de Brito Fähr de Abreu - Undergraduate Student

110. Catarina Vargas Rosa Lopes Praça - Graduate Student

111. Joana Góis Camacho Rosa Neves - Graduate Student

112. Mariana de Figueiredo dos Ramos - Undergraduate Student

113. Ana Isabel Patrício - Undergraduate Student

114. Telma Sofia Martinho Fonseca - Undergraduate Student

115. Christina Kramarov - Graduate Student

116. Marisa Alexandra - Undergraduate Student

117. Melissa Cristina de Oliveira Alves - Graduate Student

118. Beatriz Clemente Antunes Águas - Graduate Student

119. Melissa Cristina de Oliveira Alves - Graduate Student

120. Maria Domingos Neves - Graduate Student

121. Carlota de Oliveira Gonçalves Leal - Graduate Student

122. Maria Catarina Borba - Undergraduate Student

123. Carolina Sofia Vicente Lopes - Graduate Student

124. Catarina Isabel Policarpo Pereira - Undergraduate Student

125. Mariana Souza Moraes - Doctoral Candidate

126. Inês Horta Sintra - Undergraduate Student

127. Mafalda Maria Pinto Dores - Undergraduate Student

128. Mariana Manuel Bento - Undergraduate Student

129. Muhammad Iqbal Sudibya - Double Degree Program Student

130. Catarina Guerreiro dos Santos - Undergraduate Student

131. Lucia Candeago - Undergraduate Student

132. João Terrenas - Professor

133. Ghita mir - Undergraduate Student

134. Íris Gomes Brondani - Undergraduate Student

135. Manuel Urbano Figueiredo - Undergraduate Student

136. Lisa Katharina Oelschlegel - Graduate Student

137. Charzade Dia Araújo - Graduate Student

138. Mariana Ferreira da Silva Cunha - Undergraduate Student

139. Haná Abdulrazac - Undergraduate Student

140. Vania Baldi - Professor

141. Mehmet Ali Üzelgün - Researcher

142. Otávio Ribeiro Raposo - Researcher

143. Tiago Lapa - Professor

144. Carlos Picassinos - Doctoral Student

145. Lina Ferreira - Doctoral Candidate

146. André Filipe Crespo Catita - Undergraduate Student

147. Guya Accornero - Professor

148. Cátia Miriam Costa - Researcher

149. João Miguel de Carvalho - Invited Principal Investigator

150. Daniel Malet Calvo - Researcher

151. Gabrielle Gilles - Graduate Student

152. Laura Coutinho Marques Morais Pimenta - Graduate Student

153. Anapaula Folha Simões Siqueira - Doctoral Student

154. Serena Mongay - Graduate Student

155. Paula Castro - Professor

156. Tiago Santos - University Staff Member

157. Hugo Cruz - University Staff Member

158. Cristiano Costa de Carvalho - Visiting PhD Student

159. Pablo Pérez Navarro - Professor

160. Janine Cristiana Branco Ferreira - University Worker

161. Laara Carneiro Hügel - Doctoral Candidate

162. Helge Jörgens - Professor

163. Luana do Rocio Taborda - Doctoral Candidate

164. Lucca Viersa Barros Silva - Doctoral Candidate

165. Tiago Carvalho - Researcher

166. Ricardo Vieira Góis - University Staff Member

167. Susana Santos - Researcher

168. Francisca Martins Reina - Graduate Student

169. Bruno José da Cruz Oliveira - Investigador CIES

170. Luísa Veloso - Professor

171. Rafael Humberto Pinheiro Lopes - Doctoral Candidate.

172. Filipa Alves Raimundo - Professor

173. Sofia Margarida Serra Dias da Cruz - Doctoral Candidate

174. Adriana Rute da Palma Mendes - Graduate Student

175. Natacha Batista Renda - Graduate Student

176. Ikramullah khan - Doctoral Candidate

177. João Pedro Sérgio Gonçalves - Graduate Student

178. Rita Flores Godinho - Undergraduate Student

179. Maren Wimmds - Graduate Student

180. Ana Espírito-Santo - Professor

181. Vanda Sofia Ramalho - Professor

182. Maria Mariana Sousa - University Staff Member

183. Patricia Ferreira Pinheiro - Former Staff Member

184. Jessica Laranjeira Flora da Costa - University Staff Member

185. Thomas Muhr - University Staff Member

186. Adriana Albuquerque de Oliveira Campos - Professor

187. Julia Dorneles Ecke Tavares - Graduate Student

188. Sónia Bernardo Correia - Doctoral Candidate

189. José Nuno de Lima Silva Gonçalves Pereira - Researcher

190. Luís Mah - Professor

191. Miguel Monteiro Graça Casquinho - Graduate Student

192. Christin- Melanie Vauclair - Professor

193. Rui Pedro Pena Pires - Professor

194. Sofia Hammann - Gradute Student

195. Ana Luísa Silva - Professor

196. Leonardo Fernando Grijó Serdoura - Graduate Student

197. Catarina Talhinhas Esperança - Graduate Student

198. Guiherme Bettencourt Barata - Graduate Student

199. Ana Monica Fonseca - Professor

200. Joana Azevedo - Professor

201. Elsa Pegado - Professor

203. Erwan LE GALL - Graduate Student

204. Daniela Sofia Teixeira Filipe - Graduate Student

205. Thaíssa Correia Audigane - Undergraduate Student

206. Rita Guerra - Researcher

207. Sandra Mateus - Researcher

208. Sandra Palma Saleiro - Researcher

209. João Pedro Rica Soares Carraça - Graduate Student

210. Rui Pedro Troncho Avença - Graduate Student

211. Leaynet Woldeleul - Graduate Student

212. Maria Eduarda Gonçalves - Professor

213. Maria Luisa Lima - Professor

214. Tânia Sousa Marques - Graduate Student

215. Inês Maria Pedro Malhado - Graduate Student

216. Mafalda Filipa Rodrigues Veiga - Graduate Student

217. André Freire - Full Professor of Political Science (and PhD director) at ISCTE

218. Jose Soares Neves - Researcher

219. Viriato José Oliveira Queiroga - Researcher and PhD Student

220. Daniela Filipa Ferreira Simões - Graduate Student

221. Gonçalo Cação Margato - Graduate Student

222. António Filipe Fonseca - Professor

223. Miguel Vale de Almeida - Professor

224. Tito Damião Albernaz - Invited Assistant Professor at IPPS-ISCTE (PHD in Sustainable Development)

225. Filipa Raimundo - Professor

226. Fabíola Borges de Castro - Doctoral Candidate

227. Gustavo Alberto Aybar Camposano - Doctoral Candidate

228. Sofia Ferro Santos - Doctoral Candidate and Researcher (CIES)

229. Andreia Sofia Garcia Silva - Graduate Student

230. Maria Assunção Gato - Researcher

231. Alan Stoleroff - Professor

232. Alexandre Daniel Calado - Researcher

233. Ruy Llera Blanes - Researcher

234. Lúcia Campos - Doctoral Candidate

235. Rui Pedro Fonseca - Researcher

236. Anne Schippling - Researcher

237. Joana Roque de Pinho - Researcher

238. Saila-Maria Saaristo - Researcher

239. Sara Jacinto Silva - Doctoral Candidate

240. Noémia Lopes - Researcher

241. Luís Miguel Carolino - Professor

242. Ana M. Belchior - Professor

243. Antonio Maria Pusceddu - Researcher

244. Rita d'Ávila Cachado - Researcher

245. Ana Margarida Fernandes Esteves - Researcher

246. Sebastião Santos - Researcher

247. Andreia Borges - Professor

248. David Silva Ferreira - Doctoral Candidate and Researcher

249. Emília Margarida Marques - Researcher

250. Sérgio Pinto - Researcher

251. Jorge Vieira - Professor

252. Mariana Anginho Évora - Doctoral Candidate

253. Antonio Maria Pusceddu - Researcher

254. Luís Junqueira - Researcher

255. Vítor Fábio Pereira da Silva - Graduate Student

256. Ana Carolina Carvalho Farias - Researcher

257. Carlos Alberto dos Anjos Cunha - Researcher

258. Telma Talina Mendes - Doctoral Candidate

259. Mónica Wiebaum de Paiva Boléo - Graduate Student

260. Rita Bettencourt Rodrigues - Undergraduate Student

261. Marta Gutierres Nobre Ramos Setúbal - Doctoral Candidate

262. Raquel Freitas - Researcher

263. João Lopes Costa - Professor

264. Andrea Vacha - Doctoral Candidate

265. João Mineiro - Researcher

266. SAMUEL DOS SANTOS OLIVEIRA - Graduate Student

267. Filipa Da Cunha Cardoso Veiga - Graduate Student

268. Krisztina Ramneantu - Doctoral Candidate

269. Ana Cristina Ferreira - Professor

270. David Guedes - Researcher

271. Daniela Bevilacqua - Researcher

272. Ana Saint-Maurice Matos - Researcher

273. Carla Sofia Gomes Dias - Undergraduate Student

274. Inês Chim - Doctoral Candidate

275. Nuno Gonçalo de Sousa Dias - Graduate Student

276. Monica Pacheco - Professor

277. Jorge Pimentel do Nascimento - Doctoral Candidate

278. Eva Gonçalves - Professor

279. Afonso Manuel Barral Caniço - Graduate Student

280. Duncan Crowley - Doctoral Candidate

281. Joana Soares Marques - Researcher

282. Diana Maria Pinto Prata - Collaborator of CIS, Professor of IBEB, FCUL

283. Jorge Freitas Branco - Professor (jubilado)

284. Diana Fialho Ferreira - Graduate Student

285. Anabela Calado Velez - Graduate Student

286. Amro Majdi Fathi Fatayer - Graduate Student

287. Lena Höpken - Graduate Student

288. Bárbara Martins Ferreira - Graduate Student

289. Tabea Stephan - Graduate Student

290. Vanessa Oliveira - Doctoral Candidate

291. Jessica Alexandra Nunes Castanheira - Graduate Student

292. Ana Beatriz da Costa Milhano - Graduate Student

293. António Pedro Andrade Dores - Professor

294. Francisca Maria Morgado Martins - Graduate Student

295. Andreia Filipa Rebelo Nunes - Doctoral Candidate

296. Beatriz Pinto Romão - Postgraduate

297. Ariadna Millan Lopez - Graduate Student

298. Margarida Vaz Garrido - Professor

299. João Cunha Borges - Doctoral Candidate

300. Luiz Carlos Correa Neto - Graduate Student

301. Luzia Lambuça Dias Ferreira - Graduate Student

302. Rodrigo Vieira de Assis - Professor

303. Jéssica Hemal Vora - Graduate Student

304. João Pedro Pereira - Doctoral Candidate

305. Sofia de Sous Marto Costa - Graduate Student

306. Raquel Alexandra Alves Pires - Graduate Student

307. Mateus Sadock - Doctoral Candidate

308. Inês Fernandes dos Santos - Researcher

309. Bruno Ricardo Ferra Lobão - Undergraduate Student

310. João Paulo Torcato Apolinário - Undergraduate Student

311. Marta Cristina Santos Dias - Graduate Student

312. Matilde Mendes Ideias - Graduate Student

313. Manuel Maria Galvão Nazareth Barbosa - Graduate Student

314. José Luís Silva - Professor

315. Alexandre Mergulhão - Doctoral Candidate

316. Maria Isabel Ardelean - Undergraduate Student

317. Shu Xiao - Doctoral Candidate

318. Aleksi Erik Ylönen - Researcher

319. Shanaya da Cunha Mahomed - Undergraduate Student

320. Patrícia Alves de Matos - Researcher

321. Kayla odasilva - Undergraduate Student

322. Md Habibur Rahman - Doctoral Candidate

323. Ana Catarina Braga - Undergraduate Student

324. Cristina Santinho - Researcher

325. Leonardo Cunha Gomes Marta Tavares - Undergraduate Student

326. Amjad Chatila - Doctoral Candidate

327. Jessica Thillara Manganaro da Silva - Undergraduate Student

328. Eduardo Costa Dias - Professor

329. sepideh akbarbeigi - Undergraduate Student

330. Margarida Maria Gonçalves Frango - Doctoral Candidate

331. Elian Goethals - Undergraduate Student

332. Érica Leandra Ramos Eduardo - Graduate Student

333. Beatriz Santos de Almeida - Graduate Student

334. Aíssa Mariama Nascimento Baldé - Doctoral Candidate

335. Gustavo Cardoso - Professor

336. Luís Francisco Carvalho - Professor

337. Theresa Neuschmid - Graduate Student

338. Joel Tiago Madeira Moreira - Undergraduate Student

339. Teresa Pegado - Graduate Student

340. Ana Catarina Monteiro Carvalho - Doctoral Candidate

341. Renato Miguel do Carmo - Professor

342. Sandro Mendonça - Professor

343. Miguel Paisana Morais - Researcher

344. Marta Entradas - Professor

345. Paulo Raposo - Professor

346. Paulo Marques Alves - Professor

347. Walter Rodrigues - Professor

348. Luana Parra Crista de Siqueira - Undergraduate Student

349. Theresa Zagers - Doctoral Candidate

350. António Pedro Andrade Dores - Professor

351. Flávia Rodrigues Tristão Camello - Doctoral Candidate

352. Ana Sobreira - University Staff Member

353. Bárbara Perner Nideröst - Doctoral Candidate

354. Catarina Bastos Cardoso - Doctoral Candidate

355. João Arsénio Nunes - Researcher

356. Maria da Paz Campos Lima - Researcher

357. Cláudia Susana Rodrigues de Araújo - Undergraduate Student

358. Caterina Foà - Professor

359. Carolina Português - Graduate Student

360. Leonor Pires - Undergraduate Student

361. Margarida Miguel Peseiro Carapau - Undergraduate Student

362. Beatriz Paulo Diniz - Graduate Student

363. Rita Alves - Doctoral Candidate

364. Susana de Deus - Researcher

365. Sofia Mira Pereira Jesus Gomes - Graduate Student

366. Célia Cristina Leandro Carreteiro - University Staff Member

367. Mafalda Esteves - Doctoral Candidate

368. Maria do Rosário Múrias Bessone Mauritti - Professor

369. Carolina Cortez Ferreira Borges - Undergraduate Student

370. Rui Pedro Fonseca - Researcher

371. Nuno Filipe de Castro Oliveira - Researcher - Professor

372. Rita Alves - Doctoral Candidate

373. Mariana Berga Rodrigues - Doctoral Candidate

374. Inês Casquilho-Martins - Professor

375. Bruno Miguel Oliveira - Researcher

376. Luísa Pereira - Researcher

377. Beatriz Padilla - Researcher

378. Cecília Vaz - Professor

379. Francisco Oneto - Professor

380. Bruno Miguel Oliveira - Researcher

381. Ana Rita Oliveira - Doctoral Candidate

382. Teresa Ferreia - Doctoral Candidate

383. Felipe Roberto Campos Mardones - Doctoral Candidate

384. Vanessa Iglésias Amorim - Researcher

385. Inês Rocha Trindade - Researcher

386. Teresa de jesus Seabra de almeida - Professor

387. Leonor Afonso Gonçalves e Bértolo - Undergraduate Student

388. Adriana Maria Penna Quintão - Doctoral Candidate

389. Pedro Miguel Santos Nascimento Souza - Graduate Student

390. Ricardo Rodrigues - Professor

391. David Tavares - Researcher

392. Beatriz Corado - University Staff Member

393. Cristina Camilo - Researcher

394. Margarida Valença - Undergraduate Student

395. Guilherme Hugo Bravo da Silva - Undergraduate Student

396. Guilherme David Alves Ferreira - Undergraduate Student

397. Rafael Francisco Cristino - Undergraduate Student

398. Catarina Filipe Rodrigues de Melo - Undergraduate Student

399. Rafael Francisco Cristino - Undergraduate Student

400. Gonçalo Sousa Santos - Undergraduate Student

401. Filipe Pacheco - Doctoral Student

402. Mariana Silveira Roque - Graduate Student

403. Marília Ribeiro - Undergraduate Student

404. Manuel Mendes Pina de Oliveira Baptista - Undergraduate Student


406. Ana Campos - Doctoral Candidate

407. Fátima Teresa de Jesus Costa do Nascimento - Undergraduate Student

408. Maria da Graça Índias Cordeiro - Professor

409. Laura Roque Lampreia - Undergraduate Student

410. Marta Mendes Caeiro - Undergraduate Student

411. João Salvador da Silva Alves - Undergraduate Student

412. Josephine Grindley - Undergraduate Student

413. Maria Cristina Rodrigues de Sousa Pereira - Undergraduate Student

414. Ana Costa - Professor

415. Daniel Pratas Coelho - Undergraduate Student

416. Maisa Almeida de Lima - Doctoral Candidate

417. Zohra Cosima Benamar - Doctoral Candidate

418. Joana Pestana Lages - Researcher

419. Ana Oliveira - Researcher

420. Vera Lazzaretti - Researcher

421. Mariana Câmara Santos - Graduate Student

422. Carlota Moura Veiga - Researcher

423. Rita Jerónimo - Professor

424. Maria Teresa Patrício - Professor

425. Ana Sofia Eusébio Rocha - Graduate Student

426. Catarina Paz - Graduate Student

427. Cícero Muniz Brito - Researcher

428. Mariana Costa Marques Fiuza - Doctoral Candidate

429. Teresa Isabel Raposo Nunes Soares - Graduate Student

430. Rita Matias Bento - Undergraduate Student

431. Francisco Policarpo de Melo Cordeiro - Undergraduate Student

432. Isabel Flores - Researcher

433. Diana Silva - Graduate Student

434. Leonor Baptista - Alumni

435. Sara Soares - Alumni

436. Bilyana Zdravkova - Doctoral Candidate

437. Berenike Eichhorn - Doctoral Candidate

438. Inês Tavares - Researcher

439. Sónia Henrique Mendes Ferreira - Undergraduate Student

440. Maria Victoria Joaquim Cedermark - Graduate Student

441. Keren Daisy de Carvalho Bartolomeu - Integrated Master Student

442. Ilka Stauvermann - Graduate Student

443. Gieshania Pitaloka Gumilang - Graduate Student

444. Margherita Leonardi - Graduate Student

445. Vanessa Ires Paulo Muchanga - Integrated Master Student

446. Susana Nogueira - Master Degree Student

447. Hana Glaser - Graduate Student

448. Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues - Professor

449. Daniel Alexandre Calado Manuel - Undergraduate Student

450. Lídia Lukmanova - Undergraduate Student

451. Rebeca Barradas Nunes - Graduate Student

452. Sohel Rana - Graduate Student

453. Francisco Cabaço Ramos de Brito - Undergraduate Student

454. Camila Alvarado - Undergraduate Student

456. Helena Isabel Ferreira Soares - Professor

457. André Castro Soares - Doctoral Candidate

458. Filipe Reis - Professor

459. Alcione Silva - PhD Student

460. Vitória Ana Blank António - Undergraduate Student

461. José Rodrigues - Professor

462. Gildo Cossa - Doctoral Candidate

463. Tiago Filipe Alves Vieira - Researcher

464. Rita Pombo Barradas - Undergraduate Student

465. Hannah Amine Alidina - Undergraduate Student

466. Carolina guerreiro avelãs - Undergraduate Student

467. Erika Sofia Mendes Carneiro - Graduate Student

468. Francisco Emanuel Ferreira Fadigas - Undergraduate Student

469. Áfssua Noormahomed - Undergraduate Student

470. Carolina da Silva Pontes - Undergraduate Student

471. Maria João de Sousa Madeira - Undergraduate Student

472. Violeta Alarcão - Researcher

473. Cláudio dos Anjos Ramos Fortuna - Doctoral Candidate

474. Dulce Morgado Neves - Researcher

475. Lara Alexandra Rodrigues Azevedo - Graduate Student

476. Sónia Pintassilgo - Professor

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