Individual Request Form
Individual Book Request
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Name *
Email *
Address or desired meeting location (please include city so that we can coordinate drop offs to other addresses in the same city all on the same day) *
Phone number
Age of children in the household: *
What are some genres, authors, or kinds of books they like, do they prefer fiction or nonfiction or do they like both? Prairie Bear Books has a limited supply of books, but will do our best to match your request with what we have. Being given an idea of genre and authors helps us in our selection! For multi-children households, please include their age along side the genre. If applicable, include if they would like books marketed towards a specific gender. For example: 5 year old likes Peppa Pig, books about cats, 10 year old likes biographies and fictional mysteries, girls and boys books. *
What are some subjects that they like (animals, dinosaurs, trains, nature, myths, etc)? *
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