Sol Summer Davis Questionnaire
The Sol Summer Camp (a collaboration between Davis parents and UC Davis students/affiliates) is a multigenerational space for the community to gather for a Solidarity Circle in Davis' Central Park, every Weds/Fri, 10am-1pm, so that we can educate ourselves about the many interconnected social justice issues that need to be addressed in our communities. The camp will include storytelling sessions, conversations with community elders and leaders, field trips to important sites of local history, art-making activities, and more. The camp will be accompanied by an online Abolition Study session every Weds 12-2pm ( Participants are invited to come with a sense of curiosity and openness, so that together we can imagine a world without prisons and police, where justice is delivered with compassion and love, and where the safety of some communities does not come at the expense of others. For more information, you can reach out to Juliette at 530-902-8407.

PLEASE NOTE: Bring masks; Hand sanitizer will be provided. Social distancing guidelines will be followed.
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Name of Parent *
Name of child/s and their age *
Email/Phone - also specify preferred mode of contact *
What kind of activities would your kids be interested in?
Are you or your kids able to travel on bicycles? If not, would you like support in learning to bike and/or obtaining a bike this summer?
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Do you give permission for your family to be included in photographs for the Sol Camp social media accounts? *
Are you interested in being part of a parenting pod/ co-op to share childcare and participate in solidarity activities with other like-minded families?
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What are you and your kids special needs?
We are working a a collective to plan the camp - What solidarity/social justice related activities can you offer that can be done outside with social distancing?
Do you have any concerns or questions?
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