I'm interested in Tzedek Lab
Tzedek Lab is a national multiracial network of political education trainers, organizers, spiritual leaders, and cultural workers, Jews and allies, established to build collective competency to better politicize, transform, and inspire the Jewish community into collective action against racism, antisemitism, and white supremacy.

Please note: This is our general interest form, not the application to join. We open applications for new members every 2 years, and members join through participation in an immersive network gathering. This is an interest form, and is NOT the application to join Tzedek Lab. Filling out this form will add you to our list, and you will be notified next time there is an open application cycle. Thank you!

If you are interested in joining Tzedek Lab as a member, fill out this form: https://bit.ly/TzedekLabGathering2024 
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Your name (First) *
Your name (Last) *
Please list key identities that describe you i.e. race, class, gender & pronouns, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, others: *
City *
State *
Email address *
Please describe your work at the intersections of antisemitism, racism, white supremacy, and white nationalism. What roles do you hold in community organizations or movements? *
How did you hear about Tzedek Lab? Please share the name of the person or list etc. *
Why are you interested in Tzedek Lab? *
Anything else?
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