Tryout Registration
Event Timing: October 20th 4:00-6:00pm
Event Address: 3501 Harry Langdon Blvd (Iowa School for the Deaf campus)
Contact us at 402-960-5297 (
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Blue Diamond Volleyball Tryouts
Hello!...and thank you for your interest in Blue Diamond Volleyball Club. We are excited to meet you and want you to feel comfortable with your upcoming tryout. Below are a list of standard contact information questions, as well as questions about your/your child's volleyball experience. Finally, you'll find information about tryouts and important information to get your started.
Name of Player *
Age of player (must be 14U or 15U eligible)
(please click the link to determine if you are an eligible player) 
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent Email   (This will be used to send the additional information needed for athletes to tryout) *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Best way to reach you *
How did you hear about Blue Diamond Volleyball *
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