Urgent Veterinary Care Intake Form
Thank you for choosing Urgent Veterinary Care.
Please call the hospital and speak with a receptionist prior to arrival at 315-515-3074 to discuss your pet's situation and allow us to advise you on how to proceed with acquiring vet care.
We are unable to accommodate walk-ins.
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Email *
Do you believe your pet is experiencing a life-threatening emergency? If yes please call the hospital immediately and if it is safe to do so, please continue to fill out this form. *
Have you or your pet been to our facility before? *
Your name (first and last) *
Street Address *
City, State, Zip Code *
Phone number you will be using while your pet is in our care *
Please be aware that we triage as soon as possible upon your arrival. We may give you a triage time. This is not an appointment, it is our best attempt to shorten your wait time. However, if there are critical cases, you will have a significant wait. Our wait times can be up to 6 hours on weekdays and upwards of 8 hours on weekends. Please come prepared to wait.
Your pet's name *
Species *
Sex/Neuter Status *
Pet's Age or Date of Birth *
Breed (for cat: short, medium or long haired) *
Color or Markings *
Date of last Rabies vaccination (year) *
Current Medications and/or allergies *
Primary Veterinary Hospital *
Reason for visit *
Be sure to speak with a receptionist at 315-515-3074 prior to arrival to be sure we are able to assist you and your pet.
You must be given a triage time before arrival.
You can read more about our services and triage system at urgentcare.vet.
We appreciate your understanding and kindness.
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