High pressure hoses
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1. Which hoses are covered by this standard?

1 point

2. What types of temporary hoses are mentioned in the text?

1 point

3. What group of hoses exist based on the breaking force of the material used?

1 point

4. How many types of sleeves are there depending on construction and purpose?

1 point

5. What types of connections for pressure hoses are mentioned in the text?

1 point

6. Requirements for safety devices and fasteners:

1 point
7. What margin of safety should hoses have as required? *
1 point

8. At what temperature should thermo-wrapped hoses be operable?

1 point

9. What is the requirement for the sealing surfaces of the nipples?

1 point

10.  What materials and semi-finished goods are used to manufacture the hoses?

1 point

11. What markings should the hoses have?

1 point

12. What should be avoided when installing hoses?

1 point

13. What inspection methods are used for hoses?

1 point

14. Which test is performed to verify the tightness of hoses?

1 point

15. What is the warranty period for storage of hoses?

1 point
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