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CPAD Christmas Party!! 聖誕派對
Date: 12/12
Time: 1:45pm-3:45pm
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* Indicates required question
2021 Christmas Party!!
Parent/Registrant's name(家長姓名)
Your answer
Name of child receiving RC services(子女姓名)
Your answer
Email Address(電子郵件)
Your answer
Phone number (電話)
Your answer
Home address 地址 (Address, City, Zip Code) (城市,郵政號碼)
Your answer
Age of family member receiving RC services (有特殊需要家庭成員的年齡)
Your answer
Diagnosis of family member receiving RC services (有特殊需要家庭成員的診斷)
Your answer
Regional Center belong to (您的區域中心)
Your answer
Language spoken (語言 )
Mandarin (普通話)
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