2024 Campaign Volunteering

In October 2024 we will elect a new Council. 

If we want to ensure that the City of Port Phillip has a generous, equitable, environmentally sustainable future, we need change. PPP will be running a community campaign championing progressive change. We want to raise community awareness about the need for change and provide a policy framework for progressive candidates to support.

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Would you be interested in assisting us in our campaign? 

If yes, please complete the rest of the form and we will be in touch. 

Full name: *
Mobile number: *
Email Address: *
Postcode: *
Do you know which 2024 Council Ward that you live or are registered to vote in? [See Map] *
Captionless Image

First, what are the important local issues that you think we should campaign around for a better Council? 

[Tick as many as may apply]

Other issues of importance to you:
How can you help?

[Tick as many as may apply]
Other skills/involvement list:
Thank you.
We'll be in touch!
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