Winter Rabbit Donation Request Form
Thank you for your interest in receiving free copies of our board game, Winter Rabbit! Please fill out the following form to request your donation.

If you are not an official representative of the organization for which you are requesting donations, please have someone from that organization contact us directly. It can be very difficult to coordinate with organizations who are not expecting to receive donations such as this.

We have a limited number of donation copies available. We will prioritize organizations serving members of the three federally recognized Cherokee tribes. After that, we will prioritize organizations serving indigenous communities in general. Finally, remaining donations will be given on a first-come-first-served basis. 

You may request multiple copies of Winter Rabbit. We will distribute additional copies based on need and availability.

If you have any questions, please contact
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To properly organize the distribution of donation copies of Winter Rabbit, we need to work directly with members of the organization receiving the donations. *
Organization Name *
Does this organization serve members of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, or United Keetoowah Band of Cherokees? *
Please briefly describe how your organization plans to use the donated games.
Contact Person's Name *
Contact Person's Email Address *
Contact Person's Phone Number
Shipping Address *
How many copies of Winter Rabbit would you like to receive?
Is there anything else we need to know before shipping your donations?
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