Community Needs Response Plan Survey

Thank you for taking the time to fill out our community needs survey. We appreciate your time and commitment to the Springfield Community. 

The information in this survey is used to help us form the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan for Springfield Memorial Library.  The strategic planning team hopes to create ways to better serve the needs of our community. As top priorities for the coming years, the library seeks to foster customer engagement, support educational opportunities, sustain economic development, and promote growth in our community. 

Questions? Contact Kellie Seiber, Springfield Memorial Library Director, at

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1. Name *
2. Email Address *
Did you know that you DO NOT have to hold a library card to use the Springfield Memorial Library for events, programs, or anything else? All residents within the city of Springfield qualify for a card at no additional charge. Those outside of the city limits can purchase a card for only $35.

3. What is your age range? *
4. Do you have children in the Springfield Platteview School District? *
5. Have you ever been to Springfield Memorial Library? *
6. How often do you visit the Springfield Memorial Library? (multiple choice)
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7. What are your favorite things about Springfield Memorial Library? (if any)
8. What are your least favorite things about Springfield Memorial Library? (if any)
9. Is there anything that would prompt you to visit the library more regularly? 
10. Which of the following library services would you like to see expanded to meet the needs of our community? 
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10. b. Based on your answer above for #10, can you explain why?
Questions specifically about Springfield, Nebraska (the town):
11. How close do you live to Springfield Memorial Library (665 Main St, Springfield, NE 68059)? Check all that apply
12. Do you commute to work in Springfield?
13. Do you know of anything that you would like to see improved in Springfield, Nebraska? (in general)
14. What do you feel are the important issues facing Springfield in the next 5 years?
15. Would you suggest family or friends to move to Springfield, NE? Why or why not. 
General Questions for Springfield Residents: 
16. If you are a resident of Springfield, do you have a computer or access to the internet? (only answer this question if you are a Springfield resident) *
17. How do you typically hear the news about community events or services available to Springfield residents?
18. Do you feel like you know what's usually happening in Springfield? in terms of events or programs taking place at a business or at Springfield Memorial Library
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19. How would you like to hear about Springfield events, programs and updates? 
20. Are there any programs or events you would like to have in Springfield?
Please indicate the age (or range) that the program or event would likely be more suitable for. (Example: children 0-12, children 12-18, adults or senior citizens)
21. What additional businesses or services would you like to have in Springfield?
22. Do you use Springfield parks?
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23. Is there anything that would make you want to use Springfield parks more often? 
Please share any other information that you think would be helpful from a community needs standpoint:
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