GPL Volunteer Application
Thank you for offering a helping hand at Geneva Public Library(New York)!

Please fill out the form below.
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Name *
Phone *
Mailing Address
Your Date of Birth *
This is used to determine if your application should be brought to the attention of our Youth Department.
Your Interests and/or Limitations
Are you interested in a certain type of task or project at the Library?
For example, one of our "Ongoing Tasks" listed on the Volunteer webpage
Do you have any previous volunteer experience? If yes, please describe.
Do you have any physical limitations that will need to be accommodated for? *
If yes, please describe.
Are you interested in short-term or long-term volunteer work?
Clear selection
Do you have a certain number of hours that you need to complete? If yes, how many?
When are You Available?
List days of the week/times of day:
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