SIGN UP: Rally in DC to Stop Manchin's Dirty Deal!
For our planet, for frontline communities, for all of us, we must stop Manchin's dirty Big Oil side deal. Democrats in Congress who care about our climate have the votes to block this corrupt, deadly bill. But it's up to the people to make them do it.

Join frontline leaders along the MVP pipeline route like Maury Johnson backed by climate protectors including Bill McKibben in DC on September 27th for a rally on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. to say NO to this deadly deal.

The rally will begin at 9:30am at First St and Constitution Ave Northeast next to the US Capitol.

Sign up below to join us. Together we can stop MVP and the deadly Big Oil side deal!

Supporting Organizations include Chesapeake Climate Action Network, Our Revolution, Third Act, Our Future WV, For All, and WV Coalition to End the Filibuster.
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