Old Songs Festival Feedback Form 
Fill out this survey & you could win Free Tickets to next year's Old Songs Festival.
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Name *
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If you would like to be on our mailing list, let us know whether email or snail mail or both.  (please provide email address and/or snail mail address as applicable)
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Mailing Address
City, State, Zip
Tell us your favorite performances, workshops, or other events at the festival
If you have any suggestions for improvements, please let us know here
How did you find out about or were reminded of this year's festival?  (Check all that apply)
FInd out? *
From which specific blog, website, ad, article, tv or radio station did you find out this year's festival?
I made use of the following
How many Old Songs Festivals have you attended?
(including this one)
Additional Comments
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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