First Aid
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1. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be started only when: *
1 point
2. Heart massage is carried out: *
1 point
3. Transport tire, what should it be? *
1 point
4. Basic rules for applying a transport splint in case of a fracture of the leg bones: *
1 point
5. For what purpose is a note attached to a hemostatic tourniquet? *
1 point
6.First aid for an open fracture: *
1 point
7. What to do if small foreign objects are found in the wound? *
1 point
8. How to transport a victim with fractures of the ribs or sternum? *
1 point
9. What should be done to provide first aid to a victim with a spinal injury? *
1 point
10. What is the purpose of iodine in the first aid kit? *
1 point
11. What characterizes capillary bleeding? *
1 point
12. What characterizes venous bleeding? *
1 point
13. What kind of bleeding is considered the most dangerous? *
1 point
14. How is the pulse checked when the victim is unconscious and in case of injuries? *
1 point
15. When performing mechanical ventilation (artificial ventilation of the lungs) by the mouth-to-mouth method, it is necessary: *
1 point
16. What should be done in case of a burn wound? *
1 point
17. What is the procedure for meeting medical workers arriving on call? *
1 point
18. What rules of first aid are observed in case of a penetrating wound in the abdominal cavity? *
1 point
19. If the victim is unconscious, in what position should he be transferred before the arrival of the ambulance? *
1 point
20. What should be done if acute pain behind the sternum (in the region of the heart) does not go away at rest? *
1 point
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