Google I/O Extended Buea 2015 Speaker Sign-Up
At Silicon Mountain it's again that time of the year when  community hackers and tech enthausiasts all sit together to eat some good popcorn and grab a couple of drinks while watching Sundar Pichai et al  do the talking. GDG Buea will be organizing it's Google I/O extended 2015  at the Catholic University institute of Buea. We are all excited and imptient to discover what's new at Google. This year, we will be limiting the number of Guest speakers  and time slot allocated to each speaker. Please fill the following guest speaker signup form to secure a slot for your presentation. I/O  extended 15 Buea  is free for anyone to attend. Come  let's celebrate a community that codes and embrace technology in every  aspect.
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We will contact you to let you know our next meetup in time
In case we need to discuss some topics via voice
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Please explain your topic and provide a URL if available
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