FinClub JU - Student Membership Form
Greetings from Finance & Consulting Club, the largest community of finance, investment, consulting & analytics enthusiasts in Jadavpur University!

We are a team of finance and business enthusiasts on a mission to promote financial awareness. We help young individuals aspire higher, develop their dreams and make it their destiny, by nurturing a strong finance culture and instilling business acumen among the student community.

We are a unique community, the first of its kind in JU. And we're always looking forward to more enthusiastic students and alumni to join us.

Membership of FinClub JU is (1) open to all students currently enrolled in any undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma or doctoral program under any faculty in Jadavpur University, (2) free-of-cost, (3) not subject to any criteria based on degree, course or grades, (4) not subject to regularity of participation in club events and activities, (5) open to voluntary discontinuation without discontinuing newsletter subscription or participation in events, courses and contests conducted by the club.

For any queries, drop a mail at
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1. Your Name [eg. John Doe / Jane Doe] *
2. Your 10-Digit WhatsApp Number [eg. 9876543210]
3. Your E-Mail Address [eg.]
4. Your Current Year of Study [eg. UG - 1st Year]
5. Your Department [eg. Economics]
6. You are applying for student membership of FinClub. Do you also wish to apply for a role in Team FinClub now or during the next Recruitment Drive? [eg. Yes / No / Unsure] *
7. Do you wish to subscribe to our e-mail newsletter to get exclusive access to our latest articles and receive regular updates and announcements from FinClub directly in your inbox? You can unsubscribe anytime. [eg. Yes / No]
8. How did you come to know about FinClub? *
9. Why do you wish to join FinClub? (optional)
10. If you have any feedback or suggestion for FinClub, we would love to hear.  (optional)
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