Take the Indie Challenge (for a day or more!)
July is Independents Month. Pledge to make all your purchases at locally owned businesses for one day, week, or month. Sign on to the Indie Challenge today!

*** As an added perk, you can enter our Staycation Giveaway by completing this form. Then take our post-survey (coming in mid-July).  Complete both surveys for your chance to win a Staycation package.  See all the details: https://tlcmonadnock.com/Indie-Month ***

Indie Challenge Sponsors: The Local Crowd Monadnock and Monadnock Food Co-op
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
I pledge to take the Indie Challenge this July and make all of my purchases at locally owned businesses for ...
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Tell us why you're taking the Indie Challenge!  (If we share your quote, we'll just use your first name, first letter of your last name, and town/state).
I live in (add town/city, state)
Your email address (to enter our Staycation Promotion)
Would you like to hear more from The Local Crowd Monadnock or Monadnock Food Co-op?
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