Partnership Proposal Form
The DIA seeks partnership proposals non-profit and community-based organizations in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties to create arts-based programs and services that enrich the quality of life in our region.

At this time, we are not accepting proposals from for-profit organizations or organizations outside Wayne, Oakland or Macomb counties.
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Contact Name *
Contact Phone *
Contact Email *
Organization's Name *
In which county is your organization registered? *
We are not accepting proposals from organizations outside Wayne, Oakland or Macomb counties at this time.
Is your organization a not-for-profit, civic or other community-based organization in Wayne, Oakland or Macomb counties? (We are not accepting proposals from for-profit organizations at this time) *
In 75 words or fewer, describe the partnership, activity, or event you are proposing.
Who will be likely to attend?
What is the time-frame/date for this activity?
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