WISE Youth Trust - Space 4 All
Every Friday and Saturday starting from November 8th 2024 

4 PM to 6 PM

Ages 11 - 18

Leytonstone Library 
6 Church Lane
E11 1HG

Activities on offer: 
In-house Cinema 
Martial Arts
Non-contact Boxing
Nutritional Education
Colourism, Film and Documentary Production 
T-Shirt Design
Mental Health Awareness and Money Management Workshops

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Name of Participant  *
Surname of Participant  *
Date of Birth of Participant  *
Ethnicity *
Address and Home Postcode *
Do you live or go to school in Waltham Forest? *
Dietary requirements *
Name and Surname of Parent/Guardian *
Telephone Number (Parent/Guardian) *
Second Emergency Contact (Name and Number) *
Do you give permission for your child to walk home alone?
Do you give consent for your child's photo to be taken?
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