Briggs Work Request Form
Submit a plumbing work request by completing this form and clicking the "Submit" button. Your work request will be automatically entered into our system as a work order. We handle requests on a priority/urgency basis. We will try to respond by phone or email within 1 or 2 business days. Busy periods may delay our response.
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Name and/or Business: *
Billing Address: *
Job Address (if different than billing address):
Phone #: *
Alt. Phone #:
Email: *
Job Details: *
By Clicking the Submit button, you agree that a person who is financially responsible for plumbing related work at the Job Address is aware of this Work Request, and that a service call may incur a minimum charge for our technician(s) to show up for the purpose of: diagnosing, installing, uninstalling, repairing, maintaining, or otherwise addressing anything plumbing related, or for what appears to be a plumbing related issue or problem. 

Cancellations must occur before 7:30am of the scheduled day of service to avoid a late cancellation fee.
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