Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council (WMBC) and the Cheshire & Merseyside Integrated Care Board (ICB) Wirral Place have commissioned Capacity to develop a new digital platform to support the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people in the local area.
We are running a series of focus groups to explore the views of parents and carers towards the platform.
If you are selected to take part (in a 60-minute virtual group or face to face interview), you will receive a voucher worth £10 for virtual group or worth £15 for a face-to-face interview as a thank you for your time.
This focus group is for parents and carers who:
- Live in Wirral
- Have a child or young person aged 0-18 years old
If this is you, and you would like to take part, please share your details and register your interest. It takes 5 minutes.
Please note: registering does not guarantee you a place in this insight study.
We take your privacy extremely seriously. Find out in the privacy policy how your data will be handled and kept confidential and anonymous.
If you have any questions please contact:
Email: goda.dragunaite@thisiscapacity.co.uk
Number: 0151 305 1045