2024 Vacation Bible School Registration
Event Address: 201 East Main Street; Hillsboro, OH 45133
Contact us at (937)393-3171 or email 1stpresbyterianchurcheducation@gmail.com
Date of Event: July 16, July 17, July 18  Time: 5:30-8:00 PM  Ages:1-15

All children will be fed dinner while at vacation bible school.  Please note that anyone who is under the age of three must be accompanied by an adult, if they can not use the restroom on their own.

Please complete the following questions. 
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Name of Children attending vacation bible school and age. Example (Jason Smith, 6)
Name of parent and phone number.
Email address for correspondence in regards to vacation bible school.
Emergency contact information, including name and phone number for the minor child.
Second emergency contact, including name and phone for the minor child.
Does your child have any allergies we should be aware of? 
Does your child have any other considerations, we need to be aware of?
Child's T-Shirt Size
Any special request you have for your child.
Thank You
Thank you for completing our online registration.  We look forward to seeing you.  You should receive an email reminder the day before VBS begins. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us.
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