SLAA Retreat Registration
Thanks for registering for the retreat. Places will be confirmed on a first come first served basis.

If the retreat is more than 4 weeks away then we will require a deposit of £50. If your retreat is less than 4 weeks away then we will require full balance at this time. Please check the website, retreat flyer or the retreats officer email for the correct amount as all retreat costs differ in price.

Once you have paid your deposit or balance you should receive a confirmation from the Retreats Officer. Your place is not confirmed until this has happened. In some cases we may need to refund you if places are full at the time of you transferring monies.

Please fill in your name and any dietary requirements (these will need to be confirmed 14 days prior to the retreat commencing otherwise they cannot be guaranteed).

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Email *
Which Retreat do you want to book on? *
Thursday night accommodation might be possible at an extra cost of £90 - if you are interested in adding this please tick this box
First Name: *
Surname: *
Dietary requirements:
Our retreat facilitators like to create WhatsApp groups before the retreat to keep you informed and get the group connected. If you are happy to be a part of this please provide your...
Mobile Number:
Bank Details for Retreat Deposit

Bank: Lloyds
Account Name: UK Augustine Fellowship
Account Number: 22998660
Sort Code: 30 80 42

Please state reference as ‘Mens Retreat’, ‘Womens Retreat’  ‘LGBTQIA Retreat’ ‘Men's Anorexia’ or ‘Women's Anorexia’ together with the dates of the retreat

This deposit will be held to guarantee your place and will be sent to the retreat host as a bulk deposit.

Please send any requests or queries to

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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