Ethical Social Work Practice with Youth: Common Problems and Practical Solutions

"When working with children, social workers often find themselves navigating complicated situations. From mandated reporting to developmental considerations, social work with youth is inherently complex. Fortunately, social workers are taught to consult the code of ethics as a way of guiding their decision making. However, what does the NASW Code of Ethics say that would apply to ethical considerations for children and adolescents specifically? 

This presentation will explore navigating common problems in youth-centric social work and outline practical solutions, as informed by the NASW Code of Ethics. First, this presentation will offer an in-depth review of the NASW Code of Ethics, highlighting all six ethical principles and six ethical standards. Second, this presentation will discuss various ethical decision-making models, focusing on common themes that emerge when working with youth. Lastly, participants in this training will practice their ethical-decision making skills during a set of hypothetical skill rehearsal exercises. Ultimately, this presentation aims to empower social workers to apply the NASW Code of Ethics effectively when working with young people."

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