Request for Citi Bike Charitable Contribution
Are you a community organization, school, or non-profit that is looking for a donation? Citi Bike is able to contribute Annual Memberships or Day Passes for organizations looking to raise funds. 

Citi Bike does not donate to individuals, nor do we contribute funds directly.
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Name of organization benefiting from potential Citi Bike donation
Website of organization
Mission of organization
Name of Person Submitting Request / Contact Person & Relationship to Organization
For example: Jane Doe, Volunteer or Xavier Sinclair, Executive Director
Is the organization benefiting from a Citi Bike donation a 501c3 tax-exempt organization?
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Where is the organization based?
Select all that apply. Preference is given to neighborhoods within the Citi Bike service area. To check if you're in the service area, please click here.
If your organization is a school, please provide school details below.
Select all that apply.
If your organization is a public school, please enter the school district below
Does your organization support any of the following (select all that apply)
Will complementary memberships be used to raise funds?
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What is the name of your organization's fundraising event, if applicable?
When will it be held?
What, if any, opportunities are available for recognition of a potential Citi Bike donation?
If complimentary Citi Bike memberships are provided, how will they be distributed?
Has this organization received a donation from Citi Bike in the past?
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Please provide any additional information you'd like to include.
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