"Fires, Ohio" Audience Feedback Survey
Thank you for coming out for this reading! Your support means so much to us.
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The following questions are from playwright Beth Hyland:
What was confusing or unclear in the play?
What moments or images stood out to you?
What would you say this play is about?
We'd love to hear more from you! The following questions will help PCS continue to grow and do great work in our community.
Keeping in mind that this reading represented a work-in-progress, what did you like most about your overall experience with this play?
What were the highlights of attending JAW? (Feel free to share any aspect, from ticketing to the Q&A to lobby performances, etc.)
Why do you think supporting the development of new work is important?
Do you have any comments or suggestions for how we can make your next experience at PCS better?
Answers to the final four questions are confidential and will only be used for grant reporting purposes.
What is your racial and/or ethnic identity? (Check all that apply.)
What is your age?
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How do you identify? (Select all that apply.)
If you live in the greater Portland area, what county do you reside in?
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Please enter your email address (optional):
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