Job application form
Apply to Something Better, Inc. by filling out this job application.
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Email *
Name *
First and Last Name
Cell phone number *
Street, Apt #, City, State, Zip  (MUST include City, State, and Zip)
How did you hear about this job?
Do you have a current, valid Pennsylvania driver's license?
Do you have a smart phone?
Do you have your own, reliable car?
Are you able to commit to Something Better, Inc. for at least 6 months from the date of this application?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?  If so, please explain:
Timing and nature of criminal conviction
(If not applicable, enter "n/a")
List any allergies:
(If not applicable, enter "n/a")
Please list the hours you are available between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. for each day, Monday-Friday
How many hours  per week would you like to work?
Date Available to Start
Name of School Attended
Include City/State and Dates attended
Name of School Attended
Include City/State and Dates attended
Previous Employment Information - Provide information for your last 3 employers.  Please explain any gaps in employment.
Previous Employer
MUST include:
Name of Employer
Start and End Date
Reason for Leaving
Previous Employer
MUST include:
Name of Employer
Start and End Date
Reason for Leaving
Previous Employer
MUST include:
Name of Employer
Start and End Date
Reason for Leaving
Signature of Applicant  (type your name)
By signing this application with my digital signature, I am attesting that the information I have provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.  I understand than any misrepresentation will be grounds for dismissal.  By signing this application, I am also giving Something Better, Inc. permission to run a criminal background check on me if an offer of employment is accepted.
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