CYS Application Form U17 Boys
Thank you for your interest in the Competitive Youth Program at CRI! Please fill this form out completely to apply. Applicants who are well below the 2k standard will likely hear back earlier than those who are at or above the standard. The latest you will receive an indication of your acceptance status is June 1st.
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Email *
Athlete Email Address *
We will use this to communicate your application status.
Last Name *
First Name *
Birthday *
Spring Team *
Where do you row during the regular season?
Current Coach's Name *
Sculling Experience *
Side (Sweep) *
2k Ergometer PR *
Standards: U17 Men: 7:00. U17 Women: 8:10. U19 Men: 6:45. U19 Women: 7:50.
2k PR Completion Date *
Weight (lbs) *
Current Placement *
Where do you currently sit? I.e. 1v 5 seat, etc.
Notable Race Results
Link to Video
If possible, please provide a link to video of you erging or rowing on the water. If you are a coxswain, please provide a link to a recording of yourself.
Rowing History *
Please describe your rowing career to date. In particular, please share when you started, whether you have rowed year-round or during the Spring only, etc.
Goals for this Summer
Please describe what you want to accomplish over the Summer at CRI.
Henley Performance?
Please indicate whether you want to be considered for the Henley Performance Squad.
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