Let By The Way help you navigate travel dilemmas
Traveling has always come with complications: missed flights, lost luggage, mysteriously canceled reservations. By The Way wants to help you navigate the chaos with expert-backed advice. Our tips reporter Natalie B. Compton will take your questions to the right professionals to get answers travelers need. Whether it's how to get a refund, when to tip or the ever-changing health concerns of traveling, we’re here to help.

Read some of our favorites: Can I fly with edibles? | Can I get a flight refund if I have covid? 

Please describe a travel-specific question or dilemma you've had in 200-250 words or less. It can be a past issue or about a future trip. A reporter may contact you for more details. By submitting, you agree to our submission and discussion guidelines, including our terms of service and privacy policy.

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