128 Business Council Origin/Destination Transportation Survey
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1. Most Frequent Trip
This section requires you to identify your MOST FREQUENTLY REPEATED TRIP within, into or out of Waltham, Lexington or Bedford. This might be driving to and from work each day. It might be going to your school, or dropping a child off at their school. Or, it might be a weekly volunteering activity or doctor’s appointment.

You will have the opportunity to identify up to two other frequently repeated trips. IF YOUR MOST FREQUENT TRIP REQUIRES MULTIPLE STOPS (e.g. taking a child to school and then going to work), PLEASE TREAT EACH LEG AS A SEPARATE TRIP.
1.1. What is the purpose of this trip? *
1.2. Where does this trip begin? *
Please provide the ADDRESS or INTERSECTION
Please provide the CITY/TOWN
1.3. Where does this trip end? *
Please provide the ADDRESS or INTERSECTION
Please provide the CITY/TOWN
1.4. What time(s) of day do you USUALLY make this trip? *
Check ALL time ranges over which you usually travel. If this is a round trip, please indicate the times for BOTH THE OUTBOUND AND RETURN TRIPS.
1.5. By what mode(s) do you currently undertake this trip, and how often?
SPECIFY A FREQUENCY FOR ALL MODES THAT YOU USE REGULARLY. If this is a round trip, PLEASE COUNT EACH LEG SEPARATELY. For example, if you drive to AND from work 5 days/week, then you make 10 one-way trips. SCROLL TO THE RIGHT TO SEE ALL OF THE FREQUENCY OPTIONS.
Don't use regularly
>1 time/week
1 time/week
2 times/week
3 times/week
4 times/week
5 times/week
6 times/week
7 times/week
8 times/week
9 times/week
10 times/week
<10 times/week
Driving alone
Getting a ride from someone else
Public transportation, incl. shuttle
Uber, Lyft or similar service
Traditional Taxi
Clear selection
If you selected OTHER, please specify.
1.6. If you did NOT select “public transportation” above: How willing would you be to make this trip by public bus or public shuttle, assuming the service existed and were well-run?
extremely UNLIKELY
extremely LIKELY
Clear selection
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