Visioning a Resilient Local Economy
What does a resilient local economy look like in Person County? Join us at 6 PM on Monday, December 9th at the Person County Senior Center for a meal with friends and neighbors while we discuss the future we’d like to see for our community and how to make our vision a reality. We’ll explore how we can build up a local economy that uplifts what we love about our community, increases resilience for current and future challenges, and reflects what people want to see.

Free dinner will be provided. All are welcome, so bring a friend! This event is hosted by the Partnership for a Strong Rural Economy, a group of community members and non-profit organizations working to cultivate a local economy that supports a healthy, resilient future.

Monday, December 9 at 6:00 PM

At the Person County Senior Center Social Hall (building towards the back of the parking lot), 87 Semora Rd Roxboro, NC

This event is organized by Partnership for a Strong Rural Economy, a group of community members and non-profit organizations. Click here for more information about the group.
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