Employment Application
Skills Unlimited, Inc.
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Personal Information
First Name *
Middle Initial
Last Name *
Maiden Name
Current Street Address
Street/PO Box
City or town, state, and ZIP code
Email Address
Phone #:
Are you 18 years of age or older? *
Referred by:
What employment location are you applying for? *
Employment Desired
Position *
Status Desired *
Salary Desired
Date you can start *
Are you currently employed?
Clear selection
If you are currently employed, may we inquire of your present employer?
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Have you ever applied to this company before?
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When did you apply before?
Are you related to a current Skills Unlimited Employee?
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If you answered "yes" to the question above, what is the name of the current employee to which you are related?
What hours are you available to work?
At Skills Unlimited, Inc. we have a variety of shifts available that run around the clock. Generally, our shifts from 8am-4pm, 4pm-12pm and 12pm-8am, though we also have many other shift variations. Please note below what days and what times you are available to work:
Comment on availability:
Where did you attend High School?
How many years did you attend High School?
Do you have a High School diploma or GED? *
Where did you attend College, Trade or Business School?
How many years did you attend College, Trade or Business School?
Did you graduate from College, Trade or Business School?
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What subjects did you study?
English, Psychology, Math, etc...
What degree or certificates did you earn?
Do you have any special study, research or training skills in any subjects? If so, please explain:
Please check any of the following training in which you are currently certified:
Do you have a current Driver's License?
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Driver's License expiration date:
Do you have current car insurance?
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Car insurance expiration date:
Have you ever been employed before?
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Have you ever been convicted of a felony? *
Work History
Please list info on the last four employers, starting with the most recent.
Employer #1 (most recent)
#1 Dates worked (from Month/Year to Month/Year)
Example: 4/2011 to 3/2015
#1 Name of Employer:
#1 Employer Address
#1 Employer Phone#
#1 What was your position and what duties did you perform?
#1 Salary
#1 Reason for leaving:
Employer #2
#2 Dates worked (from Month/Year to Month/Year)
Example: 4/2011 to 3/2015
#2 Name of Employer:
#2 Employer Address
#2 Employer Phone#
#2 What was your position and what duties did you perform?
#2 Salary
#2 Reason for leaving:
Employer #3
#3 Dates worked (from Month/Year to Month/Year)
Example: 4/2011 to 3/2015
#3 Name of Employer:
#3 Employer Address
#3 Employer Phone#
#3 What was your position and what duties did you perform?
#3 Salary
#3 Reason for leaving:
Reference #1 (Name/Phone Number)
Reference #2 (Name/Phone Number)
Reference #3 (Name/Phone Number)
Emergency Contact (Name/Phone Number) *
Signature *
Date *
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