Tips from the Other Side of the Peer-Review Process to Help Get Your Scientific Manuscript Published 

Please join us as Bruce G. Weniger, adjunct associate professor in Rollins School of Public Health, presents Tips for the Other Side of the Peer-Review Process. To paraphrase Churchill, the peer-review process is a most flawed and imperfect filter to achieve publication, but it beats the alternatives. This two-part presentation provides tips, examples, and anecdotes from the past experience of a journal editor (Elsevier’s Vaccine) to ease the burden and overcome the skepticism of busy, volunteer peer reviewers who must use both conscious criteria and subjective, often unconscious intuition to judge the worthiness for publication of your work using only the manuscript and revision cover letters provided them. These sessions are intended for all Emory faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate and undergraduate students.

Session 1: Thursday, April 18th, 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Session 2: Thursday, April 25th, 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Where: Claudia Nance Rollins Building Rm. 5001. Zoom option is also available.

Who: For more information contact Carol Colaninno:

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