2019-05-22 CPR/AED Life Rescue SignUP
Scouting Unit Leaders, Parents, and Participants,

Life Rescue will be giving a CPR/AED course on Wed, May 22 and can accommodate 19 participants.
The class runs 2.5 hours from 7-9:30 PM and is $50 per person. (Please make checks payable to Troop 291)

First Priority is given to the CREW. Please signup immediately.

WE HAVE A HARD CAP AT 29 Participants.

WE HAVE A HARD CAP AT 29 Participants.

You must go through this sign up form for each *ADULT* and *PARTICIPANT* attending the trip.  You must be the legal guardian of the *PARTICIPANT* for the signup process as you are granting permission and acknowledging your consent for that scout for this event.

Please enter legal guardian's or adult participant's email below. By entering my email address in this form, I understand and agree to grant my permission as the parent or legal guardian for my participant listed below to participate in the above event.
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Email *
First Name *
Participant's first name - Scout or Adult, no nicknames or abbreviations.
Middle Initial *
Participant's middle INITIAL.
Last Name *
Participant's last name.
Cell Phone *
NOT PARTICIPANT's CELL PHONE. Guardian's or adult participant's cell phone is for contact purposes. You may supply an alternate number if you do not have a cell phone.
Questions or Comments?
Allergy or health issue reminder. General comment or note to trip leaders.
Unit *
(Select your unit, or the unit of your scout/venturer/or other)
Age *
Participants age. Select Adult or a participant's age.
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