2023-2024 Puppet Program Request Form
The Puppets are excited to be with your students!  Please fill out the form below to give us a picture of what you are hoping for from the puppets!  If you have questions, please email Karen.Sharpwolf@vtfn.org.  Once we have this information, we will contact you to figure out the exact date and times of your programs.  
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Email *
Name of School/ Organization *
Name *
Phone number *
Job title *
School/ Organization mailing address *
Program requested *
Scheduling: We recommend a maximum of 60 students (or 3 classes) in ONE 35-45 minute show.  We are keeping the numbers low so they have a chance to interact with the puppets. Below are a series of questions about scheduling.
Do you have a preferred date(s) in mind?   *
We perform on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Do you have a preferred day(s) of the week?  Check all that apply. *
With 60 (3 classes) as the maximum number in one show, how many shows do you need to reach the intended students? (5 shows maximum per day) *
Do you think your school will need more than one day of shows to reach the intended audience or need to break it up over more than one day? *
Do you have students who need accommodations to make this a wonderful experience? If so, how can we help?
Anything else you would like to tell us?  Or ask us?
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