Anonymous Reporting - Sumeer Elementary 
At Melissa ISD, we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing learning environment for all students, families and staff members. In everything that we do, we strive for a unified school community instilling our core values and character traits, which we also call “the Cardinal Way”.  

If a student does not feel safe or secure at school, we want to know about it. Our schools have a reporting process in place to assist students and families with sharing any concerns, including: bullying, harassment, threats, self-harm, acts of racism, violence or unlawful activities. It is required that the requested information be provided to determine whether the allegations, if proven, would constitute prohibited conduct as defined by our MISD Board Policy.

Questions regarding bullying incident reporting for Sumeer Elementary can be directed to the campus principals, Nathan Lambert at and Laura Ahrens at
Reported by (Optional)
Email (Optional)
Phone Number (Optional)
Reporting Date *
Are you a: *
Type of Offense *
Name of Student being Targeted?
Grade of Student being Targeted:
Name(s) of Student(s) Carrying out the Bullying, Threat or Harassment

Grade of Student Carrying out the Bullying, Threat or Harassment
Witness(es) of Alleged Bullying, Threat or Harassment: (Optional)
Grade of Witness (Optional)
Clear selection
Date of Incident
Time of Incident
Location of Incident *
Please provide a detailed explanation of the incident and any additional information that could be useful during the investigation:
Please include the name of social media platform and username if applicable.
The Reported Information is True/Accurate
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