Civics Test
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What province was founded by former members of the Republic of Talossa?
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El Lexhatx is…?
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Decrees issued by the Seneschal with the force of law are called
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In what language is the motto on the Greater State Seal of Talossa?
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What historical event happened from 31 October to 21 November 1992?
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Riverside High School, where many “Old Growth” Talossans attended, is in which province?
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Which Talossan-language phrase is used by the King when vetoing a piece of legislation?
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What animals are the supporters on the Greater State Seal of Talossa?
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Which of these songs have not won the Talossan Music Top 20?
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When Talossa is at war…?
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Which is the Civil Service office which runs elections and maintains the national database?
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A successor to the King of Talossa is chosen by
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Cestours are…?
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What is the name of Talossa’s Antarctic territory?
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Which province is home to the Cjovani subculture?
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The Seneschal is the Talossan-language name for what Government official?
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What historical event happened on 1 June 2004?
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Which is NOT a function of the Ministry of STUFF?
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What is the name of the event in 2012 in which the Republic of Talossa merged back into the Kingdom?
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Which of the following is NOT the name of a real Talossan political party from the past 10 years?
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What is the currency of Talossa?
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In what year was Talossa founded?
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The full name of Vuode is the United Provinces of Vuode and…?
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Talossa went online in
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Downer Woods, Milwaukee, was annexed by Talossa as a “state” named after
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The Landmark Building is the capitol of which province?
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Which province of Talossa is shaped like a nacho chip?
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The Mitchell Building is the capitol of which province?
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What languages are the Talossan language said to be inspired by?
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Which is the most common Order of Knighthood currently active in Talossa?
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Located in present-day Vuode, what was the first territory claimed by the Kingdom of Talossa?
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“Bare Ass Beach” is in which Talossan province?
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Which of the following has never been an agency of the Ministry of Defence?
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The Grand General Secretary is the head of Government of which province?
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El Glheþ is…?
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Pengöpäts is a Talossan territory on what continent?
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Which of the following is not an order of the Talossan peerage?
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The province of Cézembre, unlike other provinces of Talossa, is not located on Milwaukee’s east side, but is…
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What province contains the Talossan capital of Abbavilla?
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How many elected seats are there in the Cosa, the lower chamber of the Talossan legislature (Ziu)?
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What was the main political party of Talossa during the “King Ben” era?
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In what year did King John, the reigning monarch, take the throne?
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Talossa’s Independence Day is
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Which organization of the Royal Civil Service helps citizens obtain blazons?
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What historical event happened on 29 March 1987?
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The Bureau for Humanitarian Aid and International Development is part of which ministry?
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Which of these Talossan newspapers was run by King Robert I?
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How many Senators are elected at each Cosa election?
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Which is not necessary to register a Talossan political party for election?
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