Northlea Little Fingers Music Keyboard Classes
Online Registration Form: Winter 2024

LITTLE FINGERS MUSIC                                            
Cost :
Grades: Grades 1-4
Time: Thursdays 11:10am-12:15pm

Dates: January 16 - March 6 (8 classes) 
Min/Max: 6-18 children

Little Fingers Music Keyboard Classes are a fun introduction to keyboard for the young learners.
Students learn basic keyboard skills, read notes and rhythms, complete written theory exercises and a sing a variety of songs.  
Keyboards are supplied and classes are split into two groups (two teachers) according to age and ability.

Classes are designed by Little Fingers Music founder and composer Charlie Kert (Honours degree in Theory and Composition) and taught by music teachers in training.

AFTER you press submit on this form, please send an e-Transfer to and include the child name and school. Thanks!

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Name of Student *
Age *
Grade *
Teacher's Name *
Classroom Number *
Date of Birth *
Parent's Name *
Parent's Email *
Parent's Phone *
Parent or Guardian Authorization: By signing up, I hereby give my approval to my child’s participation in Little Fingers Music class and excuse Little Fingers Music and its proprietors from all claims and damages that may arise as a result of accident or losses. I authorize that the directors act for me according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention. In signing this application, I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood the conditions and certify that the applicant is in good physical and mental health. 

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