Welcome to the Coyote Council, kin.
Welcome to the spring council! And, welcome men. This season, I will be holding 2 separate coyote councils, one for women, and one for men.

Thank you for heeding the continued call for connection and intimacy in these times.

As you know, this is a 10 week container for those who value depth, bravery and the healing that comes from seeing and being seen, and are willing to take full responsibility for their experience. I aim to hold each of us in truth, with an ethic to equally nurture and evolve the stories, beliefs, patterns, and experiences you hold that create challenge and hardship for you. 

The nature of Coyote Council is peer-to-peer healing and therapeutic wisdom sharing more than it is a client therapy relationship. In this form, I am seeking to know you better to make sure we, you, and this group of seekers are in right alignment for each other to be in fullest integrity and honor for the highest good of all. Your honesty and vulnerability here are greatly valued. 

With care and joy-

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What is your name
Where are you located? (in case we want to be in person for some of these sessions :)

What gravitated you towards The Coyote Council?
What are you seeking to get out of this Council?
How do you show up and participate in group containers?
What is one area of your life that you are not showing up fully for yourself?
What is one area of your life where you do show up fully for yourself?
Can you name one trauma you've experienced in your life and how you have integrated that experience?
What is your relationship to therapy, coaches, guides, and teachers?
What kind of support do you need most in your life right now?
What is the current state of your mental health? Feel free to answer non-linearly.
How much do you take responsibility for your life and the experiences of your life?
What is something that brings you deep joy?
What is your sun, rising, and moon sign? ( I know, cheesy;)
Is there anything else you would like me to know?
Can you commit to attending 75% of the calls each month for the 11 weeks together?
Why is NOW the right time for you to dive into transformation and self empowerment?
Thank you so much! Your truth and honesty here is a gift, and I look forward to connecting deeper with you soon!
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Were you directly referred to this work by someone? If so, please do mention them:)
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