Registration for the Towards Social Renewal weekend study intensive
March 17-19 (Friday night to Sunday afternoon), in Viroqua, WI.
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Email address
Phone number
Would you be interested / willing to synopsize some part of the book?
Do you need housing?
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
We are asking participants to contribute between $100-$200 to the course, what amount do you think you can give? (Registration monies will be paid on-site at the beginning of the conference.)
If you feel you need a scholarship to attend, click this box and we'll contact you.
I would like to donate to the scholarship fund (please list an amount below)
Concerning public transportation: It's usually best to fly to either Chicago or Minneapolis, and then to take the train (from Chicago) or bus (from Minneapolis) to La Crosse, WI, where we can pick you up. If you are arriving in La Crosse, it would be best to arrive either in the afternoon/early evening on Thursday or else on Friday morning.

If you do need a ride to or from La Crosse, please let us know your arrival/departure times below (or by emailing whenever you know them). If you're interested in carpooling, you can also mention that below (please also indicate where you're coming from) or ask any other questions you might have.
Home town and state (where you'll be coming from)
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